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The 'Joy of Missing Out'

Introducing JOMO, the luxury sexual wellness line by Liv Bentley & Bella Campbell.

Championing the importance of taking a break to enjoy personal self care, JOMO is perfect for women at every life stage.

Discover nourishing blends to support intimacy, promote relaxation and ease discomfort.

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    Tell me more


    JOMO London is created by TV star Liv Bentley and Celebrity makeup artist Bella. Campbell. The acronym for JOMO being Joy Of Missing Out, a nod to the importance of
    taking a break to enjoy personal self care.

    What started out as a mission to launch a luxury multi-purpose oil has transformed into a journey of empowerment through self-exploration, self-care, breaking taboos around sexual well-being and sensuality.

    Perfect for women at very life stage, JOMO's nourishing blends support intimacy, promote relaxation and can ease discomfort. 

    Discover calming pulse rollers to get you in the mood, tantalising arousal oils, and daily intimate serums to support your sexual wellness in every setting.

    Each JOMO product has a hero ingredient that has been carefully selected to maximise the health and healing benefits of every formula. 

    JOMO's hero ingredient in the Intimate Serum is L’Arginine, which is incredibly beneficial for you. A circulation booster, blood flow enhancer, enabling/ maintaining stronger harder erections, improving ability to orgasm, helping with healthy menstrual cycles and also possible sperm count.

    JOMO have used the highest strength of L’Argenine available in the UK.